Race Report Procrastination At It’s Finest

Well, maybe not at it’s finest but it’s certainly the longest span of time I’ve waited before blogging about race. Well, maybe except the time I was busting my ass to break 2:00 and bombed back in 2010.

Anyway, so last  year I ran the PCRF Half Marathon. I was not privy to the course’s elevation profile as they didn’t post it. They just said the course was fast. I call “bull shit” on this statement. False advertising. It has about 410 feet of elevation gain, most of which happens in the second half of the race. Which means you are almost guaranteed a positive split unless you really held back in the first half (and I question if that is even a good strategy). It’s a mind-f*ck, this race, if you haven’t experienced it before. Especially since they don’t post the elevation chart so you aren’t aware you’re going to get your ass handed to you in the second half until after you’ve spent too much energy in the first half.

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Thus why I believe this race will never be a big race. It is the same day as the OC marathon and half marathon, maybe 10 miles away. The OC half has a beautiful course that has a gentle downhill slope. Why would you ever choose an uphill finish course over a downhill course with better scenery? The only reason would be to support PCRF. Which is a great reason. But if you are not in it for that, well, you’re going to pick the OC half and rightly so.

Last year, I ran 1:52:10, where the last two miles involved walking and 9:30-ish pace. I was blindsided by the last 5 miles. This year, it went much better.

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(I hit the lap button at .1 because this course is always a bit long and I wanted to know what I actually ran for 13.1)

Official time was 1:44:04. 12th woman, 5th in age group. I missed by current PR by 8 seconds. My current PR was a Santa to Sea, which is flat as a pancake, and the weather that day was ideal (low 40s at the start, low 50s at the finish). So I ran only 8 seconds slower in humid 60s on an uphill finish course. I’d say that’s an improvement. Apples to Garmin Apples, my pace at Santa To Sea was 7:55. PCRF, 7:53.

Some highlights:

Margot ran me up one of the pain in the ass hills and overpasses in mile 9.

I got to hang out with Monica at the finish

Chatted with Pam and her family for a bit

Cheered for Heather as she pulled out a massive 18 minute PR.

Saw the crazy dude running in a poncho and Tapatio socks (Monica wanted to steal the socks off his feet).

And I really liked my race outfit for once (yes, I know, copyrighted picture. I have no readers or blog revenue so I make nothing from this “stealing”. Anyway, just like last year, the pictures kind of sucked):

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The tank is a girls large (i.e. kids, because I am barely 5 foot) Nike drifit tank that I got at the Nike Outlet in Lake Elsinore. Shorts are my favorite of all shorts – Oiselle distance shorts. Pro Compression blue argyle (matchy matchy!) and my Brooks Cadences (note: was not paid to mention these companies, I just liked my outfit and felt like blogging it).


  1. I bet you get a kick out of wearing size LARGE, huh? Love the color matching socks and singlet.

  2. Rockin the Oiselle's...I have to check those out! Good job!

  3. Ha, you totally have readers and you're totally busted! S'alright, Im a lawyer and will defend you from the swathe of copyright infringement suits ;)

    Great job on the outfit. Your hair looks so good - like you're not even running a race! How does that even happen??

  4. That happened to me once with a race that promised flatness. I should have known that any race in middle Tennessee is not going to be flat, but I was drawn in by their lies. Love the socks! I have the same pair but haven't found anything to wear them with, and they seem like pattern overkill for my everyday visit to the gym. I think that is a really cute picture of you BTW!

  5. I'm running the America's Finest City half in August. The first 5 miles are downhill, then flat until the last mile which is a 200 ft. climb. Eek. I'm in training for my first sub-2. We'll see!

    Love the outfit. I have those same socks!

  6. Your race photos are freaking awesome!!

  7. Eeek at that second half! I looked and looked for the course profile to no avail. Divulging the course is the least they could do so that one has a chance to properly train.

    Nice work! You just keep getting faster!

  8. Dude...I just got my first revenue from blogging on Friday. No lie. Does that mean I would be extra naughty for stealing copyrighted pics?

    You look pretty badass in your outfit-that-is-coordinated-to-match-the-race-bib. Nice job on a total bitch of a course :) And it's always a lie when they tell you it's fast or all downhill.

  9. Congrats on your great finish!! Thank you for writing the ugly truth about this race course! This was my very first half marathon. I trained myself silly; even did a few 13.1 long runs to really prepare and know what I could do. I went out a little fast but found myself holding a solid 8:53-9:10 pace for the first 11 miles. Then I hit a wall and miles 12 and 13 nearly killed me. All on that uphill grade, adding those little jog yourself UP from the trail and onto the street; jog yourself UP over the overpass…yeah, I had to walk a couple of times. I was so pi$$ed about that. My finish time was 2:00:40. Nothing to be ashamed of, but I really expected to go sub-2 hours. Let’s be honest, that course isn’t very user/racer friendly!

    The expo was great though and all for a fantastic cause. Not sure if I’ll run that one next year or the OC half. Happy running!!

    PS: I am the reader that stopped to chat up Monica down there by the stage with the dancers and the results postings. :)


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